Completion of screen reader accessibility
Brad Dunse
I’ve road tested Jounce and find much of the environment sections properly labeled with headers, accessible edit fields, and some buttons properly labeled. Thank you. However, some of the features are not accessible to a screen reader. At this point in the development the bold, italic, and underline buttons are simply labeled b, I, and u which isn’t horrible for known formatting options, but the remaining buttons for bullets, links, and other text manipulation and justification are seen as “unlabeled button 1, unlabeled button 2” and so forth. However, there are some buttons as header level, normal text and etc. which are properly labeled. So, the ability is there, it’s a simple matter of taking time to properly label them. The ability to open in a document, copy to the clipboard, or give generation response feedback can’t be seen by a screen reader at all. There may be other areas inaccessible as dialog boxes to add photos, make text anchors and etc. in need of accessibility . I’m not aware of at this point. I do know accessibility is a priority, and appreciate the foundational accessibility, but wanted to offer the above request.